Pet-friendly Accommodation
Check out pet-specific reviews covering all accommodation types.
Pet-friendly Amenities
Everything you need to be able take scheduled / unscheduled breaks en route, and at your destination, including Dog-friendly Motorway Stops, Beaches, Walks, and Parks. Pet Services
Find Pet Sitting, Day care, Boarding andVets in the vicinity of your destination.
Check Out Our Blog
Keep up-to-date on all the latest insights and developments in Pet Travel, Pet Care, Pet Tech / Apps,and Pet Behaviour from around the world.
The WoofAdvisor team sources and compiles expert advice from the best and most highly regarded sources we can find.
Trip Planner - Planning your Trip
Travelling with your Pet means being able to take scheduled / unscheduled Dog-friendly breaks en route.
Our "Trip Planner" feature displays your selected choices along your route on an interactive map.
You can choose from a wide range of options including Pet-friendly Accommodation, Amenities, Services, Events etc., and you can then save, share and print your Itinerary / Trip Plan / Driving Directions.
Find Members in your Area
One of the many benefits of free Membership of WoofAdvisor is the facility to Find, Connect with ("Friend"), and Private Message, like-minded Pet Lovers in your own area.
You can Join a Dog Walking Group or form your own if one is not available locally.
Maybe you'll end up sharing the Dog Walking with trusted members of your group, saving on Boarding or Pet Sitting costs on those occasions when your pet cannot travel with you.
"WoofAdvisor - a new and better way to see and enjoy the world." Find.Enjoy.Share.
Our Video
Please see our short video providing a brief introduction to + an overview of some of the main benefits of free Membership.
Why Join?
Its 100% FREE.
There are Zero Fees or Charges for Users.
It's also free for Business Owners to List their Business.
Registered Members can:
Add their own Reviews and earn Badges
Add a location, Amenity or Service if it's not already listed
Join in the Discussions in the Community Forum
Upload Photos or Videos of their Pets
Find and Connect with Members in their own area
Form a Dog Walking Group
Save, Share and Print their Itinerary / Trip Plan / Driving Directions
Create their own Photo Galleries
Create their own Travel Diary – a record of trips they have taken